Price Match Guarantee

Although we are confident that our prices are the best you can find here in Australia, if you do find a better price, please let us know.

All price match claims must meet the terms and conditions below.


  • Customers have 48 hours to notify us of a competitors price after making a purchase.
  • Our price match policy does not apply to items listed on auction websites such as eBay, Gumtree or discount websites such as Catch of the Day or Ozsale. It also does not apply to wholesale websites that offer trade discount.
  • Our price match policy only applies to official Australian suppliers. Price must be in Australian dollars.
  • The price matched site must be a verified Australian stockist of the product/s in question, to ensure authenticity.
  • Price match does not apply to specials and featured promotions.
  • Shipping costs will be factored into all price match claims.
  • Our price match offer cannot be used in conjunction with any offer, including coupon codes, discount codes and special discount vouchers.

All of the terms and conditions are subject to change at any time, without notice.

    OVER $199